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The Center for Classical and Humanistic Studies of the University of Coimbra is pleased to host the II Student-Forum on Classical and Humanistic Studies, which will take place on July 5th 2023, Anf. III. 


This meeting aims to be a forum for discussion and shared reflection on the work carried out and in progress by students of the 3 cycles (Bachelor, Master and Doctorate) or recent PhDs (up to 5 years or attending the post-doctoral) that address the pluridimensional theme of Classical and Humanistic Studies.


The works, submitted to prior selection by the Scientific Committee, should privilege the inter and transdisciplinary scopes of the theme, considering the proposals that are included in Greek and Latin Studies, as well as in the reflection on the classic matrix present in Medieval and Renaissance Studies in the World Lusophone, in the Classical and Portuguese Cultural Heritage, and also in the Food Heritage.


The best papers will be invited by the Scientific Committee to submit an article to the Boletim de Estudos Clássicos magazine, indexed in Scopus, Web of Science, among others.


Call for communications

Tenderers must send a brief CV and the summary of the communication. The abstract text (300 words) must present the structure of the communication, make known the research problem, the methodologies used, the results obtained, the conclusions and implications for theory and/or practice and, if applicable, the innovative contribution of the study to the state of the art of the issue.


Presentation time: 15 minutes


Call for Posters

Posters must succinctly communicate the research thesis, containing the title, author's name, affiliation and advisor (if any), abstract, brief description, methodology, illustrative images, conclusion and bibliography.


Dimensions: A1 (594 x 841mm)


Presentation languages



Receipt of abstracts: May 31th, 2023
Acceptance Notification: June 9th, 2023
Program: June 14th, 2023

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